4 Elements For
Rare earth element Wikipedia. A rare earth element REE or rare earth metal REM, as defined by IUPAC, is one of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides, as well as scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements because they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties. Rare earth elements are cerium Ce, dysprosium Dy, erbium Er, europium Eu, gadolinium Gd, holmium Ho, lanthanum La, lutetium Lu, neodymium Nd, praseodymium Pr, promethium Pm, samarium Sm, scandium Sc, terbium Tb, thulium Tm, ytterbium Yb and yttrium Y. Despite their name, rare earth elements are with the exception of the radioactive promethium relatively plentiful in Earths crust, with cerium being the 2. They are not especially rare, but they tend to occur together in nature and are difficult to separate from one another. However, because of their geochemical properties, rare earth elements are typically dispersed and not often found concentrated as rare earth minerals in economically exploitable ore deposits. The first such mineral discovered was gadolinite, a mineral composed of cerium, yttrium, iron, silicon and other elements. This mineral was extracted from a mine in the village of Ytterby in Sweden four of the rare earth elements bear names derived from this single location. A table listing the 1. Applications of lanthanides is provided here. Some of the rare earth elements are named after the scientists who discovered or elucidated their elemental properties, and some after their geographical discovery. ZSymbol. Name. Etymology. Selected applications 2. Elements For' title='4 Elements For' />Summary of Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs. Leadership Commitment Dedicating necessary human, financial and information technology resources. Sc. Scandiumfrom Latin. Scandia Scandinavia. Light aluminium scandium alloys for aerospace components, additive in metal halide lamps and mercury vapor lamps,4 radioactive tracing agent in oil refineries. YYttriumafter the village of Ytterby, Sweden, where the first rare earth ore was discovered. Yttrium aluminium garnet YAG laser, yttrium vanadate YVO4 as host for europium in television red phosphor, YBCOhigh temperature superconductors, yttria stabilized zirconia YSZ, yttrium iron garnet YIG microwave filters,4 energy efficient light bulbs,5spark plugs, gas mantles, additive to steel, cancer treatments. La. Lanthanumfrom the Greek lanthanein, meaning to be hidden. Elements For' title='4 Elements For' />High refractive index and alkali resistant glass, flint, hydrogen storage, battery electrodes, camera lenses, fluid catalytic cracking catalyst for oil refineries. Ce. Ceriumafter the dwarf planet Ceres, named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. Chemical oxidizing agent, polishing powder, yellow colors in glass and ceramics, catalyst for self cleaning ovens, fluid catalytic cracking catalyst for oil refineries, ferrocerium flints for lighters. Pr. Praseodymiumfrom the Greek prasios, meaning leek green, and didymos, meaning twin. Rare earth magnets, lasers, core material for carbon arc lighting, colorant in glasses and enamels, additive in didymium glass used in welding goggles,4ferrocerium firesteel flint products. Nd. Neodymiumfrom the Greek neos, meaning new, and didymos, meaning twin. Rare earth magnets, lasers, violet colors in glass and ceramics, didymium glass, ceramic capacitors, electric motors of electric automobiles. How To Install Fedora On Windows 8. Pm. Promethiumafter the Titan. Prometheus, who brought fire to mortals. Nuclear batteries, luminous paint. Sm. Samariumafter mine official, Vasili Samarsky Bykhovets. Rare earth magnets, lasers, neutron capture, masers, control rods of nuclear reactors. Eu. Europiumafter the continent of Europe. Tom Lehrers song about the periodic table, The Elements Adobe Photoshop Elements 2018 software helps you enhance your photos, create collages, quickly organize, and share across all social channels. Learn more. Red and blue phosphors, lasers, mercury vapor lamps, fluorescent lamps, NMRrelaxation agent. Gd. Gadoliniumafter Johan Gadolin 1. High refractive index glass or garnets, lasers, X ray tubes, computer memories, neutron capture, MRI contrast agent, NMR relaxation agent, magnetostrictive alloys such as Galfenol, steel additive. Tb. Terbiumafter the village of Ytterby, Sweden. Additive in Neodymium based magnets, green phosphors, lasers, fluorescent lamps, magnetostrictive alloys such as terfenol D, naval sonar systems, stabilizer of fuel cells. Dy. Dysprosiumfrom the Greek dysprositos, meaning hard to get. Additive in Neodymium based magnets, lasers, magnetostrictive alloys such as terfenol D, hard disk drives. Ho. Holmiumafter Stockholm in Latin, Holmia, native city of one of its discoverers. Lasers, wavelength calibration standards for optical spectrophotometers, magnets. Er. Erbiumafter the village of Ytterby, Sweden. Infrared lasers, vanadium steel, fiber optic technology. Tm. Thuliumafter the mythological northern land of Thule. Portable X ray machines, metal halide lamps, lasers. Yb. Ytterbiumafter the village of Ytterby, Sweden. Infrared lasers, chemical reducing agent, decoy flares, stainless steel, stress gauges, nuclear medicine, monitoring earthquakes. Lu. Lutetiumafter Lutetia, the city that later became Paris. Positron emission tomography PET scan detectors, high refractive index glass, lutetium tantalate hosts for phosphors, catalyst used in refineries, LED light bulb. AbbreviationseditThe following abbreviations are often used RE rare earth. REM rare earth metals. REE rare earth elements. REO rare earth oxides. REY rare earth elements and yttrium. LREE light rare earth elements Sc, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm and Eu also known as the cerium group67HREE heavy rare earth elements Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu also known as the yttrium group67The densities of the LREEs as pure elements range from 2. HREEs are from 7. The distinction between the groups is more to do with atomic volume and geological behavior see lower down. Discovery and early historyeditRare earth elements became known to the world with the discovery of the black mineral ytterbite renamed to gadolinite in 1. Lieutenant Carl Axel Arrhenius in 1. Ytterby, Sweden. 8Arrheniuss ytterbite reached Johan Gadolin, a Royal Academy of Turku professor, and his analysis yielded an unknown oxide earth that he called yttria. Anders Gustav Ekeberg isolated beryllium from the gadolinite but failed to recognize other elements that the ore contained. After this discovery in 1. Bastns near Riddarhyttan, Sweden, which was believed to be an irontungsten mineral, was re examined by Jns Jacob Berzelius and Wilhelm Hisinger. In 1. 80. 3 they obtained a white oxide and called it ceria. Martin Heinrich Klaproth independently discovered the same oxide and called it ochroia. Thus by 1. 80. 3 there were two known rare earth elements, yttrium and cerium, although it took another 3. In 1. 83. 9 Carl Gustav Mosander, an assistant of Berzelius, separated ceria by heating the nitrate and dissolving the product in nitric acid. Half Life Source Full Version. Forensic Video Enhancement Software'>Forensic Video Enhancement Software. He called the oxide of the soluble salt lanthana. It took him three more years to separate the lanthana further into didymia and pure lanthana. Didymia, although not further separable by Mosanders techniques, was a mixture of oxides. In 1. 84. 2 Mosander also separated the yttria into three oxides pure yttria, terbia and erbia all the names are derived from the town name Ytterby. The earth giving pink salts he called terbium the one that yielded yellow peroxide he called erbium. So in 1. 84. 2 the number of known rare earth elements had reached six yttrium, cerium, lanthanum, didymium, erbium and terbium.