Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8
Converts-UTF-8-to-ASCII-Encoding-Linux.png' alt='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' title='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' />Spring Web MVC Spring Web Flow Working With Jasper. Reports. An important requirement in a lot of applications is reporting. It can be internal reports same application jsphtml or to an external format like xls,pdf or xml etc. A popular reporting engine is Jasper. Z6_KTuAmHco/UDuXi-RfDSI/AAAAAAAAAKE/OoqT5zx0hII/s640/step6%5B1%5D.jpg' alt='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' title='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' />Reports. In the past few months I have seen a common posting theme in Spring Community Forums even asking me via email related about integration between Jasper. Reports with Spring Web MVC and Spring Web Flow SWF and especially with Hibernate. Los pasos que sigue una peticin son 1 El navegador web hace una peticin para un recurso de la aplicacin index. Welcome. Welcome to the BigBlueButton projects Frequently Asked Questions FAQ. We the core developers created this FAQ to quickly answer common questions. A common architectural pattern is Model View Controller MVC. A situation would be as follows Some user from the View layer jsphtml would click some button to request a desired report i. Controller layer a controller class for Spring Web MVC or Action class for SWF, the controllerAction should call the Model layerServiceBO to delegate its work in that layer. The ServiceBO would call DAO classes to get some data rows from the database to fill and generate the report. After that, the ServiceBO should send the report back to the Controller layer which should then send the report to the View layer. Furthermore, a common approach when you work with Spring is to use Hibernate. JasperReports Environment Setup Learning designing and creating JasperReports in simple and easy steps using this beginners tutorial containing basic to advanced. JSP JavaServer Pages технология, позволяющая вебразработчикам создавать содержимое, которое. JasperReportsEinfhrung Teil 1. JasperReports ist ein freies, leistungsfhiges ReportingWerkzeug fr Java zur Erzeugung von Berichten. Eine losen Reihe von. An important requirement in a lot of applications is reporting. It can be internal reports same application jsphtml or to an external format like xls,pdf or. TotalDocConverter/DocConverterFont.png' alt='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' title='Jasper Pdf Encoding Utf 8' />If you work with Hibernate, we are using POJO classes to represent our entities, or instance Customer, Provider, etc. A simple report would be a list of all our Customers and other perhaps all our Providers, then, it logical working with a list i. Array. List for these entities. In my experience,many applications require some complex reports. For instance, maybe a special report required by your boss. After some analysis, you can conclude that a solution would be the result of do a query in the database working with two to six entities related or even worst not related. Here Hibernate would be not so useful, so the classic SQL query syntax is required JOIN clause in this case you can use jdbc. Template instead of Hibernate here. Now suppose that for these six tables, each one has twenty fields and for your report you only need four fields of each table, then we have another problem. You are retrieving a lot of fields that you dont need. I used to work with my own wrap classes, now the question would be, how do I know what fields or variables I must create for my wrapclass The solution is this, from your yourreport. Customer classjava. String. lt field namename. Customer classjava. String. lt field namephone. Customer classjava. String. Dont forget that you can design your own reports using the IReport tool. Then when you write your own sql statements withinside IReport of course to test your reports, in the same time implicitly in a dynamic way, you are creating a lt field. Each field should be a variable in your wrap class For this example and for tutorial purposes I will create a simple wrap class and avoid the DB connection. Before we start consider these situations If you are working with SWF the last page of your flow process i. If you choose the report, it should open a pdf report Adobe Reader would be executed but not disposing the last jsp page of the flow process, to let you finish the flow. The other case is when you arrive to the last jsp page and you dont want the report yet, then you only finish the flow process. If in the flow process mentioned above you didnt generate the report and terminated the process, but after of some time now it is need it, you would call some option in the web menu and request the desired report maybe provide some request parameter for this case it is enough to use the Spring Web MVC. SWF wouldnt be logical here. Now you should have clear that SWF and Spring Web MVC need call the same ServiceBO and retrieve the desired report. Before to start, the frameworks and other tools used no all are really necessary Spring 2. Spring Web Flow 1. Jasper. Reports 2. Eclipse 3. 4. Tomcat 5. Tomcat. Plugin 3. Spring IDE 2. 1. 0. This tutorial assumes basic medium level about Spring and its sub projects. Step 1 Creating the structure folders To do this tutorial quickly and easily, create a Tomcat project called springjasperreports in the webapps folder of your Tomcat installation. I will show you a structure of all folders inside the project would change according your logic. At first glance it can be a little confusing but later it will be easier to understand. Step 2 Configuring web. App. Root. Keylt param name lt param value springjasperreports. Config. Locationlt param name lt param value WEB INFspringjasperreports servlet. WEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context swf. xmlWEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context jasperreports. WEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context jasperreportsengine. Dispatcher. Servletlt servlet class lt init param lt param name detect. All. View. Resolverslt param name lt param value falselt param value lt init param lt servlet lt listener lt listener class org. Context. Loader. Listenerlt listener class lt listener lt servlet mapping lt servlet name springjasperreportslt servlet name lt url pattern. WEB INFspring. tldlt taglib location lt taglib An important part would be context. Config. Location, there you can see WEB INFspringjasperreports servlet. Web MVC beansWEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context swf. xml for flow configurationWEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context jasperreports. WEB INFxmlcontextapplication. Context jasperreportsengine. Step 3 Engine and Wrap Class. An important part is the Engine. Some. Entities. Jasper. Report class, because it creates and fills the object JRBean. Collection. Data. Source with data here I am using the Wrap. Some. Entities, a simple pojo filled explicitly. Then this class must be called by controlleraction by S MVC and SWF public class Engine. Some. Entities. Jasper. Report public JRBean. Collection. Data. Source engineWrap. Some. Entities wrap. Some. Entities. One new Wrap. Some. Entities wrap. Some. Entities. One. Id. CustomerMJE 8. Some. Entities. One. Name. CustomerManuel Jordan wrap. Some. Entities. One. Phone. Customer2. Some. Entities. One. Id. ProviderXYZ 1. Some. Entities. One. Name. ProviderCompany A wrap. Some. Entities. One. Phone. Provider4. Some. Entities. One. Isbn1. 59. 05. 99. Some. Entities. One. Title. BookSpring Recipes wrap. Some. Entities. One. Price. Booknew Big. Decimal4. 9. 9. Wrap. Some. Entities wrap. Some. Entities. Two new Wrap. Some. Entities wrap. Some. Entities. Two. Id. CustomerMJE 8. Some. Entities. Two. Name. CustomerManuel Jordan wrap. Some. Entities. Two. Phone. Customer2. Some. Entities. Two. Id. ProviderXYZ 7. Some. Entities. Two. Name. ProviderCompany B wrap. Some. Entities. Two. Phone. Provider6. Some. Entities. Two. Isbn0. 20. 16. 16. X wrap. Some. Entities. Two. set. Title. BookThe Pragmatic Programmer wrap. Some. Entities. Two. Price. Booknew Big. Decimal4. 5. 9. Listlt Wrap. Some. Entities my. List new Array. Listlt Wrap. Some. Entities my. List. addwrap. Some. Entities. One my. List. addwrap. Some. Entities. Two JRBean. Collection. Data. Source j. RBean. Collection. Data. Source new JRBean. Collection. Data. Sourcemy. Listreturn j. RBean. Collection. Data. SourceDont Forget that our pojo Wrap. Ejemplo bsico con Jasper ReportQu es Jasper Report Por cortesa de Pablo y de John. El Jasper Report es una librera para la generacin de informes. Est escrita. en java y es libre. El funcionamiento consiste en escribir un xml donde se recogen las. Este xml lo tratan las clases del Jasper para. Esta salida puede ser un PDF, XML, HTML, CSV, XLS, RTF, TXT. Otra ventaja de utilizar Jasper Report es que se integra perfectamente con el. JFree. Chart que es una librera libre para la generacin de todo tipo de. Para generar el xml lo recomendable es bajarse la herramienta i. Raid Configuration Tool Ibm. Report que es un. Jasper Report http jasperforge. Yo recomiendo bajarse. Un ejemplo bsico Para generar un reporte con jasper report debemos seguir los siguientes pasos. Generar un fichero. Compilar el fichero. Rellenar los datos del informe. Esto generar un fichero. Exportar el fichero. Esto generar el fichero en cuestin. Generar el fichero. El fichero. jrxml se puede generar a mano con este DTD y esta referencia de atributos. De todas formas, una opcin mejor es usar la herramienta i. Report, que permite generar el fichero. En este fichero tambin se configura cual va a ser la fuente de datos si es una base de datos, un fichero, etc. Incluso si es base de datos, en este fichero se pone el SELECT que devuelve los datos que queremos para el informe. Compilado del fichero. Para compilar el fichero. Jasper. Report report Jasper. Compile. Manager. ReportC informes JAsperJRXMLInforme. My. Sql. jrxml. Rellenar el informe con datos. Ahora hay que rellenar el informe con datos. Desde cdigo se hace con algo como esto. Jasper. Print print Jasper. Fill. Manager. fill. Reportreport, parameters, conn. No es necesario indicar el select ni nada similar, puesto que esta informacin est incluida en el. Obtener el pdf o el que seaFinalmente, para obtener el fichero. Jasper. Export. Manager. Report. To. Pdf. Fileprint, C informes JAsperPDFsInforme. Paises. My. SQL. pdf. El ejemplo. Vamos a ver todo esto con un ejemplo concreto. Este ejemplo saca la informacin de una tabla en base de datos de pases y muestra su id, el nombre. En este caso atacamos contra My. SQL y estos son. BBDD tecniregosc. Usuario root. Password No hay password. Tabla countries. La tabla countries tiene los siguientes campos . Ficheros adjuntos. Informe. My. Sql. Main java Informe. My. Sql. jrxml Plantilla xml con la definicin del informeInforme. Paises. My. SQL. pdf Pdf generado por la aplicacin. El fichero. java. Informe. My. Sql. Informes. Created on 1. Connection. import java. Driver. Manager. import java. SQLException. import java. Hash. Map. import java. Map. import net. sf. Jasper. Fill. Manager. Jasper. Print. import net. Jasper. Report. import net. Jasper. Viewer. import net. Jasper. Export. Manager. Jasper. Compile. Manager. Ejemplo prctico de visualizacin de un reporte de Jasper. Reports que contiene. Esta clase ha sido desarrollada para ilustrar el tutorial Jasper. Reports. i. Report y Subreportes. Informe. My. Sql. Connection conn null. String args. Cargamos el driver JDBC. Class. for. Namecom. Driver. catch Class. Not. Found. Exception e. System. out. printlnMy. SQL JDBC Driver not found. System. exit1. Para iniciar el Logger. Logger. conn Driver. Manager. get. Connectionjdbc mysql localhosttecniregosc. Auto. Commitfalse. SQLException e. System. Error de conexin e. Message. System. Map parameters new Hash. Map. parameters. TITULO, PAISES. FECHA, new java. Date. Jasper. Report report Jasper. Compile. Manager. Report. C informes JAsperJRXMLInforme. My. Sql. jrxml. Jasper. Print print Jasper. Fill. Manager. fill. Reportreport, parameters, conn. Exporta el informe a PDF. Jasper. Export. Manager. Report. To. Pdf. Fileprint. C informes JAsperPDFsInforme. Paises. My. SQL. pdf. Para visualizar el pdf directamente desde java. Jasper. Viewer. view. Reportprint, false. Exception e. e. Stack. Trace. Cleanup antes de salir. System. out. printlnROLLBACK EJECUTADO. Exception e. e. Stack. Trace. Puedes descomentar esto si quieres instanciar el loger. Necesitas la libreia log. Debes llamarlo desde el main. Logger. Pattern. Layout pat new Pattern. Layout. 5pt F L mn. Logger. get. Root. Logger. add. Appendernew Console. Appenderpat. Logger. Root. Logger. set. LevelLevel. DEBUG. Fichero de configuracin del informe. Informe. My. Sql. Report a travs de una interface grfica, no te asustes. UTF 8 . lt Created with i. Report A designer for Jasper. Reports. lt DOCTYPE jasper. Report PUBLIC Jasper. ReportsDTD Report DesignEN. Report. nameInforme. My. Sql. column. Count1. OrderVertical. Portrait. Width5. Height8. 42. Width5. 35. column. Spacing0. left. Margin3. Margin3. 0. top. Margin2. Margin2. 0. when. No. Data. TypeNo. Pages. is. Title. New. Pagefalse. Summary. New. Pagefalse. UTF 8. TITULO is. For. Promptingfalse classjava. String. lt parameter nameFECHA is. For. Promptingfalse classjava. Date. lt query. String lt CDATASELECT FROM Countries GROUP BY countriesid ORDER BY countriesname lt query. String. lt field namecountriesid classjava. Integer. lt field namecountriesname classjava. String. lt field namecountriesisocode2 classjava. String. lt field namecountriesisocode3 classjava. String. lt field nameaddressformatid classjava. Integer. lt background. Split. Allowedtrue. Split. Allowedtrue. Text. lt report. Element. Text 1. lt box top. BorderNone top. Border. Color0. BorderNone. Border. Color0. BorderNone right. Border. Color0. BorderNone bottom. Border. Color0. Element text. AlignmentCenter vertical. AlignmentMiddle. Boldtrue. Element. lt text lt CDATAINFORME lt text. Text. lt text. Field is. Stretch. With. Overflowfalse is. Blank. When. Nullfalse evaluation. TimeNow. hyperlink. TypeNone hyperlink. TargetSelf. Element. Field. lt box top. BorderNone top. Border. Color0. BorderNone. Border. Color0. BorderNone right. Border. Color0. BorderNone bottom. Border. Color0. Element text. AlignmentLeft vertical. AlignmentMiddle. Boldtrue. Element. lt text. Field. Expression classjava. String lt CDATAPTITULO lt text. Field. Expression. Field. lt text. Field is. Stretch. With. Overflowfalse patternEEEEE dd MMMMM yyyy. Blank. When. Nullfalse evaluation. TimeNow hyperlink. TypeNone. hyperlink. TargetSelf. Element. Field. lt box top. BorderNone top. Border. Color0. BorderNone. Border. Color0. BorderNone right. Border. Color0. BorderNone bottom. Border. Color0. Element text. AlignmentRight vertical. AlignmentMiddle. Element. Field. Expression classjava. Date lt CDATAPFECHA lt text. Field. Expression. Field. lt band. Header. Split. Allowedtrue. Header. lt column. Header. lt band height2. Split. Allowedtrue. Text. lt report. Element. Opaque. FFFFFF. backcolor6. Text 4. lt box top. BorderNone top. Border.